
Worldwide Hybrid Cloud Workload Security Market Shares, 2019: Vendor Growth Comes in All Shapes and Sizes

At 29.5% market share, Trend Micro has three times that of the number two vendor.

IDC believes that Trend Micro has continued to invest in its hybrid cloud workload portfolio capabilities with the launch of the Trend Micro Cloud One™, which has enhanced our cloud security posture management offering, application security, and more.

This is in addition to the support Trend Micro offers for virtual, public cloud, and container environments, with seamless integration across Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft® Azure™, and Google Cloud Platform™. In the report’s executive summary, the independent research firm states that, “Trend Micro is the dominant leader in SDC workload protection.”

With the arrival of Trend Micro™ XDR and Trend Micro Cloud One, we are uniquely positioned to continue to increase our market share and remain innovators in our field. In our view, IDC’s Worldwide Hybrid Cloud Workload Security Market Shares report places Trend Micro as the definitive leader in cloud workload security.


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