
Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform) – Harnessing the Power of the Edge

Every decade or so, we’ve seen the technology market undergo major shifts. Over the past few decades, those shifts have been driven by mobility and the cloud.

Now we’re entering the next big shift: the era of data – but we’re not talking about data that’s generated in a cloud or a data centre. We’re talking about data that is available where business is done – where users, devices, and things all come together.

We call that the Edge. Here are some business outcomes at the Edge:

  • New revenue streams
  • Improved customer experiences via personalisation
  • Operational efficiency
  • Employee productivity

In this era of data at the Edge, it’s clear that today’s network architecture needs to be AI-powered and predictive – to cope with the massive amounts of data and decisions required in near real-time.


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