
Monoline Launches SimpleSwitch: Revolutionizing Umbrella Insurance Book Roll, Renewals and Transfers

Monoline Launches SimpleSwitch

MINNETONKA, Minn., Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Monoline is excited to introduce SimpleSwitch, our latest innovation designed to transform the renewal, transfer, and book roll processes for personal umbrella insurance policies. SimpleSwitch offers agencies a streamlined solution that enhances accuracy, efficiency, and client satisfaction, setting a new industry standard.

A Game-Changer for Agencies

SimpleSwitch simplifies the book roll, renewal, and transfer processes by providing an intuitive dashboard where agencies can manage their entire umbrella portfolio. By uploading a book of business report and existing policy documents, SimpleSwitch automatically produces approved,  bindable quotes, applying in-agency transfer discounts (where available), sending automated client communications, and downloading final documents directly into the agency management system via IVANS or Webhook.

This streamlined process reduces manual data entry, minimizes errors, and saves significant time. As demonstrated in the Impact Sheet, for an agency with a $500,000 book of business, SimpleSwitch can save 1,000 hours annually—equivalent to 3,000 hours, or 75 weeks over three years. The time saved not only improves work-life balance for account executives, but also creates opportunities for additional revenue, with a total value 217% higher than the current revenue on the same book of business.

Leadership Behind the Innovation

SimpleSwitch’s success is a testament to Monoline’s commitment to innovation and the expertise of its team. Rachel Crump, Monoline’s Agency Transfer Manager, has played a key role in the program’s development, ensuring it meets the real-world needs of agencies and account managers. With her extensive background in personal insurance on both the agency and carrier sides, Rachel has been instrumental in shaping SimpleSwitch into a tool that significantly improves day-to-day operations for agencies.

Monoline Co-Founder and CEO, Ben Phillips, emphasized the program’s impact: “The time savings will quickly compound. What would your daily operations look like once you are saving an hour or more per account? We guarantee that our platform will cut the time spent placing standalone personal umbrella policies by at least 50%.”

Rachel Crump added, “For a typical agency with a book size of $500,000, the potential benefits are transformative. SimpleSwitch is designed to make this vision a reality for agencies across the country.”

Partnering for Success

Monoline is eager to help agencies unlock the full potential of SimpleSwitch. Agencies can schedule an initial consultation onboarding session with Rachel Crump to see how SimpleSwitch can deliver significant time and revenue savings. The Impact Sheet will be tailored to demonstrate the specific benefits for your agency.

With SimpleSwitch, Monoline is not just simplifying processes; it’s reshaping the future of personal umbrella insurance book rolls, renewals, and transfers.

About Monoline

As a company, our philosophy is rooted in empathy and understanding customer needs to deliver a beneficial service. We strive to build intuitive, straightforward, and consistent products. We question the status quo, approaching problems with fresh perspectives. Gratitude underpins everything we do, as we appreciate every detail and value the relationships we build.

Our mission is simple: provide efficient and innovative solutions that empower account executives to focus on building lasting customer relationships. Our meticulously designed platform combines cutting-edge technology with a genuine commitment to addressing real-world challenges. While our initial offering is in the personal umbrella space, we’re working on a range of innovative products to simplify the lives of account executives further and redefine the personal insurance landscape.

Media Contact:
Nina McVicker
Digital Marketing Manager
Email: nina.mcvicker@monoline.com

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SOURCE Monoline Inc.

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