
Batteries Plus Offers Unprecedented Incentives for New Franchisees Committed to Opening in 2024

World’s Leading Battery Franchise Announces Incentive Package to Drive Multi-Unit Expansion

HARTLAND, Wis., Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Batteries Plus, the world’s leading specialty battery franchise, is unveiling a rare opportunity for ambitious entrepreneurs looking for an immediate path to owning their own business by joining its fast-growing network. In a strategic move to accelerate expansion, Batteries Plus is offering an incentive package worth more than $107,000 to new franchisees who commit to opening at least one store before the end of 2024.

This incentive package, designed to ease the path to ownership and profitability, includes substantial savings such as waived franchise fees, discounts for Veterans, First Responders, and BIPOC owners, waived royalties, free inventory, and freight relief incentives. By minimizing upfront costs and maximizing early revenue potential, Batteries Plus aims to attract driven business owners who are ready to capitalize on the high demand for essential products and services.

“Batteries Plus is committed to empowering our franchisees with the tools and support they need to succeed from day one,” said Joe Malmuth, Chief Development Officer at Batteries Plus. “This incentive package is designed to remove barriers to entry, making it possible for new franchisees to open their doors and start serving their communities within this calendar year. The demand for our products and services has never been higher, and this initiative is all about meeting the needs of customers who are eager to have a Batteries Plus location in their community.”

With the average U.S. household containing dozens of battery-powered devices, and a robust commercial sector in need of reliable power solutions, Batteries Plus offers a stable and predictable investment. The brand is actively seeking qualified single-unit and multi-unit franchisees who are ready to grow with one of America’s most trusted and essential franchises.

“By opening their first unit in 2024, franchisees can tap into a proven business model with strong commercial support, national accounts, and a growing e-commerce platform,” said Victor Daher, Vice President of Franchise Development at Batteries Plus. “This is more than just an investment opportunity; it’s a chance to be part of a brand that plays a crucial role in the daily lives of millions of people.”

With over 800 store locations in operation or development nationwide, Batteries Plus has maximized its national presence by providing the local touch within each of the communities the brand serves. Batteries Plus offers both consumers and businesses unmatched products and services. This includes powering equipment, fleets, fire and security systems, tools, to cell phones, key fobs, laptops and more. Batteries Plus is actively seeking qualified single-unit and multi-unit franchisees who are looking for scalable growth or are seeking an extremely stable, predictable and secure essential franchise. The average initial investment to open a Batteries Plus franchise ranges from $252,286$493,836.

To hear more about the franchise opportunity or step into a store and tour virtually, visit batteriesplusfranchise.com.


Batteries Plus, founded in 1988 and headquartered in Hartland, WI, is a leading omnichannel retailer of batteries, specialty light bulbs and phone repair services for the direct-to-consumer and commercial channels. The retailer also offers key programming, replacement and cutting services. Through a nationwide network of stores, the company offers a differentiated value proposition of unrivaled product selection, in-stock availability and customer service. Batteries Plus is owned by Freeman Spogli, a private equity firm based in Los Angeles and New York City. To learn more about one of Forbes®’ Best Franchises to Buy in America, visit www.batteriesplusfranchise.com.

MEDIA CONTACT: Danny Stewart, Fishman Public Relations, dstewart@fishmanpr.com or 847.945.1300 ext. 266


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