
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce

See why Gartner named Magento Commerce a “Leader”

Businesses need smart content, personalised and contextualised experiences, and agile operations.

Gartner evaluates eighteen digital commerce platforms and for the second year in a row, Gartner has identified Magento Commerce as an Industry Leader (top 3).

According to Gartner, Leaders execute well against their current vision and are well-positioned for tomorrow. Magento Commerce, part of Adobe Experience Cloud, is innovating on platform functionality to help businesses like yours with the performance, scalability, and security required to deliver full-lifecycle customer experiences.

Digital commerce platform choice has grown in complexity due to increased vendor choice and breadth of offerings, pricing model complexity and emerging managed service offerings. This report evaluates 18 vendors of digital commerce platforms to assist application leaders supporting digital commerce.


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